Thursday, May 28, 2009

Elijah Was a Man

Since our first summer Symbio event will be a four hour prayer meeting I would like to take some blog space between now and then to talk about prayer. The book of James lifts up Elijah as a man of prayer, so lets look at the life of Elijah to learn about prayer.

I Kings 17:1 says: Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word."

From the verse we learn that Elijah identified himself as a man who stood before God. After this declaration to King Ahab, Elijah went to the wilderness for three and a half years where he was fed by ravens. Why do you think God had Elijah in the wilderness? What did he do? The book of James says he prayed.

Elijah was
a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.

God sent Elijah to the wilderness to pray! That was his ministry for three and a half years! I am beginning to see why the New Testament lifts up Elijah's prayer life. Are there any prayers you have been praying for three years? I would love to hear some of them. Are there prayers in your life you will pray until they are answered? I would love to hear some of them. I am sure they will inspire us to faith. Please comment.


  1. Thanks for these thoughts Brandon. It is humbling to think of Elijah's consistency in comparison to my prayer life. However, God still uses it which is awesome.

    So by no means have I been as faithful as Elijah, but for the past three years I have been praying for different salvations in my family and long time friends.

    My main one has been my Mom. It has been a slow going process but I have seen her heart soften from year to year. Now I can actually have a spiritual conversation with her whereas in the past it would not have been possible.

    Other prayers for Symbio have not yet reached the three year mark, still hopeful though.

  2. I love long-term prayers! I think God has shown me that He loves them too, as he continually reminds me of the story in Luke 18 where the widow keeps coming to the judge to ask for justice. He won't grant her justice, but then finally gives in to her request because she won't give up. The verse relates it back to God- "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?" I've been praying for salvation for my immediate family, especially my dad, brother, and sister and it's encouraing to know that God will answer those long prayers soon!

  3. Thanks for sharing, Brandon! God has been speaking to me about my prayer life as well and how it could improve. What a great example from Elijah! I want to use this summer to improve my prayer life and God has given me the perfect opportunity through some of the Symbio events.

    My prayer for several friend's salvations has been on my heart for close to three years but I want to learn how to consistently and earnestly seek him continually in prayer for these people.
