With prices and interest rates low, and government assistance available, a lot of people are thinking about buying houses. Because it's a topic of interest almost everywhere, and especially for our demographic, we thought it would be good to offer a venue to share some thoughts and discuss the pros and cons of buying a house. After all, such a big and potentially life altering decision should not be pursued without
a lot of godly input. So this Tuesday, we are aiming to finish the Ignite teaching at about 8:30. Then afterwards, for whoever would like to stay, we're going to have a conversation about some of the big issues to consider when looking for housing. We'll share some thoughts and have a couple house-buying testimonies. So if you are thinking about buying a house (or may
ever think about buying a house), join us after the teaching on Tuesday. We'll try to keep it from going much past 9:30.
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